Online Registration of Nutrient Facilities

Cancel Registrations

Search Facility Registrations

Link Registration to Your Account

Manage Registrations Among Accounts

Confirm Notification Receipt

View Registration (U.S. Agent Only)

U.Southward. Agent Voluntary Identification System (VIS) (PDF - 403KB)

Abolish Registrations

After logging in to the Nutrient Facility Registration (FFR) system from the Online Account Administration (OAA) folio, cull the "Cancel Registration" pick from the FFR primary menu (Figure one).

Figure i

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 1

A registration's condition can exist Valid, Invalid, or Cancel. The Valid and Invalid statuses are internal FDA designations. The only action that main (i.e., Enterprise) business relationship and Subaccount holders tin can brand is cancelling a registration. Cancelling a registration is irreversible and a new registration volition be required for a facility that has been cancelled.

Select a registration that you want to cancel. All registrations that are linked to your account will be displayed. To continue the process with a particular registration, select the hyperlinked registration number (Figure 2a and Figure 2b).

Cancel Registration Status-- Step 1

Figure 2a

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 2a

Figure 2b

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 2b

Cancel Registration Condition-- Step 2

The system displays the Cancel Facility Registration page with basic facility data (Facility Name, Registration Number, Facility Address, Registration Status, and Cancellation Status Date). To cancel the registration, select a reason for the cancellation and provide the name and office of the submitter for the item counterfoil in lodge to fulfill/satisfy the Certification Statement (Figure 3a and Figure 3b).
The system pops up fields to enter authorized private information if the user selects option B that is "Another Authorized Individual".

Figure 3a

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 3a

Figure 3b

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 3b

Fields Included in this Department

Reason for Counterfoil The reason for changing the status of the registration to Abolish.
Name of the Submitter The kickoff name and last proper name (surname) of the person submitting this form.
Part of the Submitter Specify whether the owner, operator, or agent in charge of the facility, or an private authorized past the owner, operator, or amanuensis in charge of the facility is submitting this course. Choose:
Owner, OPERATOR, or AGENT-IN-CHARGE (Stop here, form is completed).
- or -
Some other AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL (Fill in Effigy 3b)
Indicate who authorized you to submit the counterfoil If you selected ANOTHER AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL because you are non the owner, operator, or agent in charge, y'all need to identify the person who is submitting this cancelation. Choose: Owner, Operator, or Agent in Charge (Stop here, grade is completed).
- or -
Fill up in the name of individual who authorized counterfoil on behalf of owner, operator, or agent in charge (Fill in beneath).
Individual'southward Name The name of the Individual who is submitting the counterfoil course.
State/Area The Country/Expanse of the person who is submitting this form, if applicable.
Street Address, Line 1 The address of the person who is submitting this class, if applicable. This tin be a concrete/geographical location or other mailing address.
Street Address, Line 2 The address of the person who is submitting this form, if applicative. This tin be a concrete/geographical location or other mailing address.
City The metropolis in which the authorized individual is located.
State, Province or Territory The state, province, or territory where the authorized individual is located.
Zip/Postal Lawmaking The zip lawmaking (for domestic addresses) or postal code (for foreign addresses) where the authorized private is located. Please enter 'NONE' in the "Aught/Postal Code" field if Zip codes are not used in selected Land/Area.
Phone Number Country For foreign addresses, the iii-digit country code of the telephone number for the authorized private.
Telephone Number: Area The three-digit expanse code (for domestic addresses) or metropolis code (strange facilities) of the telephone number for the authorized individual.
Telephone Number: Telephone Number The telephone number for the authorized individual.
Telephone Number: Extension The phone extension, if any, dialed after the telephone number, for the authorized individual.
E-mail Address The email address of the authorized individual.

Figure 3c

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 3c

Cancel Registration Status-- Stride 3

After providing the required information and confirming the cancellation of the registration, the organization will brandish that the registration was successfully cancelled (Figure 4a). If authorizer cancels the registration, registration will not be cancelled and will be displayed in the list until the 'Owner, operator or amanuensis-in-charge' confirms the cancellation (Figure 4b) .Canceled registrations can still be viewed using the Search Facility Registrations office.

Figure 4a

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 4a

Figure 4b

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 4b

Search Facility Registrations

Search Facility Registrations – Search Criteria

Later logging in to the Nutrient Facility Registration (FFR) arrangement from the Online Account Administration (OAA) page, choose the "Search Facility Registrations" option from the FFR primary menu (Figure 5a and Figure 5b).

Effigy 5a

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 5a

Figure 5b

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 5b

Employ this characteristic to search for domestic and/or foreign registrations by Facility or by U.S. Amanuensis information (Figure 6). In one case you take located the facility yous are searching for, y'all can update the registration, change the registration status, or simply review the registration.

Figure half-dozen

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 6

You must enter data in at to the lowest degree 1 of the search criteria in club for the system to return any results (Effigy 7). You can perform wildcard searches. For example, you tin can enter "JU" to search for all facility names that begin with JU. If your search returns more than 50 registrations, the system will provide y'all with the pick to view the results or to refine the search.

Figure 7

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 7

Search Facility Registrations – Search Results

The arrangement displays all results from the specific search criteria used (Figure viii).
To view registration information details, select the hyperlinked registration number. You may also alter the current search criteria, offset a new search, or export all search results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (the consign only includes the information displayed in the search results table).

To update a registration, select the radio button to the left of the Registration Number, and at the bottom of the screen choose Update Registration.
To cancel a registration, select the appropriate radio push button from the get-go column and choose the Abolish Registration button.

Effigy 8

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 8

Link Registration to Your Account

Select the "Link Registration to your Account" option from the FFR main menu to link a registration to your account. Provide the registration number and PIN data for the account to be linked (Figure 9). If the link is successful, the system confirms that your business relationship has admission to the registrations specified (these registrations may be updated besides). If the link is not successful, the system displays 1 of the following 3 possible status messages:

  1. Cannot Create Link. The Account Number already has access to this registration.
  2. The PIN entered is not a valid Pivot in the database.
  3. The registration number is non plant in the system.

Figure ix

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 9

Manage Registrations Among Accounts

After logging in to the Food Facility Registration (FFR) organisation from the Online Account Administration (OAA) page, choose the "Manage Registrations Among Accounts" option from the FFR principal menu.

In this section y'all may "assign" or "unassign" registrations to particular Subaccounts using the tab marked "Subaccount Access". The tab, "Your Registrations", lets y'all view the registrations that are assigned to your account and are available for you lot to assign to your Subaccounts. You may also use the "Other Access" tab to view the other Accounts, if any, which share access to your registrations.

Manage Registrations Among Accounts -- Pace 1

Betoken which Subaccount y'all would like to assign or unassign registrations from (Figure 10aand 10b).

Select the Subaccount that you would like to piece of work with and indicate whether yous want to assign or unassign a registration.

To select an account:

  1. Select the desired Subaccount.
  2. Choose one of the following:
  • Assign Registration (if y'all desire to add together a registration to that account)

- or -

  • Unassign Registration (if yous want to remove a registration from that account)

Figure 10a

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 10a

Figure 10b

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 10b

Manage Registrations Amongst Accounts -- Step 2 (Assign)

To assign registrations to the selected Subaccount, select i or more of the registrations displayed and choose to assign the registration(s) (Effigy 10c).

Effigy 10c

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 10c

Manage Registrations Among Accounts -- Step 2 (Unassign)

To unassign registrations to the selected Subaccount, select 1 or more of the registrations displayed and choose to unassign the registration(s) (Figure xi):

Figure 11

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 11

Manage Registrations Amongst Accounts -- Footstep 3

When the process is consummate the system will display that the consignment or unassignment of the registration(s) was successful (Figure 12).

Figure 12

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 12

Confirm Notification Receipt

Subsequently logging in to the Food Facility Registration (FFR) system from the Online Account Administration (OAA) folio, choose the "Confirm Notification Receipt" option from the FFR main menu (Effigy 13).

Confirm Notification Receipt

If your registration number and PIN were sent to you by post, you lot were as well sent a receipt lawmaking to ostend that you received the data.
Yous can ostend that you received a Notification of Registration from FDA using the Confirm Notification Receipt function. If y'all apply the online confirmation course, you do not take to transport a confirmation by postal mail. To ostend, enter the Receipt Code from the notification you received (Figure 13). Note that if multiple registrations require confirmation, the system volition also ask for the Registration Number.

Confirm Registration Submission

When the authorized individual submits the registration the Owner operator will receive a receipt lawmaking and the Owner operator has to enter the receipt code in order to confirm registration submission.

For any Foreign Facility registration the U.S Agent volition receive the receipt code and he has to confirm that he is the U.S Amanuensis for the selected facility.

Confirm Counterfoil Receipt

If an individual other than the Owner, Operator, or Agent in Charge initiates a request to cancel a registration, the Owner, Operator, or Agent in Charge volition receive a receipt lawmaking past email. To ostend, enter the Receipt Code from the notification you received (Figure 13). Note that if information technology is not confirmed, the registration will not be cancelled and will remain in its current status.

Fields Included in this Section

Receipt Code A reference number assigned by FDA to a facility registration for purposes of confirming a Notification of Registration/Cancellation.

Effigy thirteen

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 13

The organization will display if the confirmation was confirmed.

View Registration (U.S. Agent Only)

Subsequently logging in to the Food Facility Registration (FFR) system from the Online Business relationship Administration (OAA) page, choose the "View Registration (U.S Agent But)" pick from the FFR principal menu.

View Registration (U.South. Agent Just)

This feature can be used by the U.S. Agent of a facility to view the facility's registration information. You should enter the Receipt Code that you received by email (Effigy xiv) and click on "Find Registration".

Receipt Lawmaking
A reference number assigned by FDA to a facility registration for purposes of confirming a Notification of Initial Agent Consignment.

Figure 14

Food Facility Registration Additional Capabilities Figure 14